reduction in the number of red corpuscles in the blood. It is
usually caused by loss of blood through haemorrhage or due to
disease or damage in the bonemarrow.
is afflicted by Mercury in Aries or Mercury is afflicted by the
Sun in Aries. |
Coral in 6.34 Carats to 8.16 Carats and Yellow Sapphire in 4.53
are syphilis, anaemia, leukeamia, laeukopenia, etc.
and Mars together in 1, 6, 12th houses, or the Sun in the 7th
from the position of Saturn or Mars, or the lord of the 2nd house
conjoined with Mars, or Mars in 6, 7, 10th house from the lord
of the 2nd house and Mars in the 2nd or in the 8th give blood
Coral and Yellow Sapphire, or Moonstone. |
is consistent elevation of the pressure of blood pushing against
the walls of the arteries and other blood vessels, diagnosed when
after repeated examinations, blood pressure measurements continue
to stand above the normal range. |
and Mars control the heart. Jupiter the lungs, Saturn and Mercury
the heart and the brain nerves and Moon the mind, mental structure,
breast and chest. Gemini, Cancer and Leo govern the lungs, chest
and heart respectively. Any three planets if posited in Leo or
Aquarius, cause heart trouble. Gemini controls the lungs, respiratory
system, bronchial tubes and nervous system. Malefics in Gemini
cause heart trouble, asthma, pneumonia. Mercury in Gemini gives
bronchitis and defects in the respiratory system. Saturn in Gemini
gives pneumonia, consumption, bronchitis and pleurisy. Jupiter
in Gemini gives pleurisy, blood disorders and lung affliction.
Conjunction of the Moon and Ketu in Gemini gives asthma, hypertension,
consumption etc. Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn is also dangerous.
4th house from the ascendant rules our heart. Mars if afflicted
in the 4th house by other malefics gives hypertension. Mars conjoined
with Saturn or Rahu in the 4th house, causes hypertension. The
lagna stands for self and body. Two or three malefics in the ascendant
may cause hypertension. The 7th house also gives prolonged sickness
as the planets in the 7th directly aspect the lagna.
governs the chest and the stomach. Malefics here give heart and
stomach troubles. Saturn in Cancer causes asthmatic complaints.
Mars in Cancer gives gastric fever, typhoid, enteric fever and
bilious complaints.
of Mars and Saturn in Cancer damages the heart as well as stomach
as also conjunction of Moon and Ketu in Cancer. Leo causes ailments
through inharmonious living and generally disturbs the heart and
blood. Saturn in Leo causes organic weakness of the heart and
Saturn in Aries gives cerebral troubles. Mars in Leo gives palpitation
of the heart, and hypertension. Venus in Leo also causes heart
troubles. Mercury in Leo gives palpitation and spasms of the heart.
Rahu or Ketu in Leo also causes serious heart troubles.
in Aries gives spasmodic pains in the head and inflammation of
the coverings and membranes of the brain. Saturn and Mars, or
Mars and Rahu in Leo would invariably give hypertension.
or three strong malefics in Gemini, Cancer, Leo or Aquarius invariably
cause high blood pressure. Planets posited in Aquarius directly
aspect Leo and cause heart troubles.
Coral and Moonstone.
is a disease of the blood, called blood cancer.
governs the blood and blood-carrying veins. Ketu gives mysterious
diseases Ketu or Rahu in Leo if heavily afflicted causes leukaemia.
Coral and Gomedha or Cat's Eye, Yellow Sapphire and Gomedha. |
of the lining of small blood vessels or walls of the veins, caused
by a breakdown of the valves in the veins, allowing the blood to
accumulate in the legs, causing severe pain. |
in Aquarius ill-aspected by Mars gives this trouble.
Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire.