governs the first seven years of life. |
is 2.72 Carats or 3.63 Carats of land also Silver have powers
to cure all children's diseases. It is worn in a Pendant in a
Silver Chain around the neck. In cases of fever, mumps, smallpox,
measles, wounds, cuts, burns, brain-fever, etc., Red Coral in
3.63 Carats is used. Moonstone should not be used in winter. Generally
Gems do not give uniform results all the year round and have to
be changed according to changes in weather.
is an acute, infectious disease that kills or cripples. It is a
children's disease but older people are not exempt. Poliomyelitis
is an infection of the alimentary tract and a disease of the central
nervous system. Human stools are the source of the polio virus and
is source of infection among human beings. |
is planet for this disease governing our central nervous system
situated in the brain. If the lagna is heavily afflicted by 3
or 4 malefics or the first house of the Zodiac Aries which governs
our brain, has 3 or 4 malefics, this disease is caused. Libra
is the opposite sign of Aries and planets posited here can directly
aspect Aries and thereby poison this sign. If 2/3 malefics are
in Libra or the 5th house which governs our stomach has 2 or 3
malefics or the 11th house, opposite sign of the 5th house has
2 or 3 malefics this disease is caused.
is the planet of chaos and confusion. If Ketu is posited in any
of the houses. 1, 5, 7 or 11th, Poliomyelitis may be caused.
Gem is very Light Blue Sapphire (Indra-neela). As it is too cold,
its weight should not exceed 4.53 Carats for adults and 1.81 Carats
for children. Children may wear a Steel Bangle instead of Blue
Sapphire. Blue Sapphire should not be used singly. Use also a
deep Red Coral in 7.25 Carats on the right arm and Copper Ring
on second finger of left hand.