Eye Troubles

It can be temporary or permanent. Infections and degenerative diseases of the eye, and accidents to the eye cause blindness.

The 2nd and 12th houses from the ascendant govern the right and left eyes. Sun controls the right eye and Moon the left eye. Any affliction to them by Saturn in the 2nd or 12th house causes eye trouble. Taurus and Pisces also rule over the right and left eye.

Although incurable, still use Ruby and White Pearl.


Clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye or its capsule. Light fails to reach the retina in sufficient quality to stimulate vision, causing diminished vision.

Older people are the main victims. When it is ripe for operation, the crystalline lens can be easily removed surgically.

The 2nd and 12th signs rule the right and left eyes. The 2 nd sign Taurus is ruled by Venus and the 12th sign Pisces by Jupiter. Venus or Jupiter if posited in the evil houses 6, 8, 12th along with the lagna lord cause cataract. Sun governs the right eye and Moon the left eye. When they are afflicted in the 2nd or 12th house from the ascendant, Cataract, may arise. Mercury governs the sight. Mercury, if afflicted in the 2nd or 12th house, causes cataract.

Emerald improves Eyesight. White Pearl restores it. Ruby is the most powerful Gem for eye troubles, only during the attack. Its too hot for constant use. It is dangerous in summer. months. Better use Red Coral instead of Ruby and White Pearl. Emerald may be used as an additional Gem.
Colour Blindness
A hereditary disease and is incurable. It occurs in males rather than in females and is passed on from mother to son. The patient is unable to distinguish between red and green.

Sun and Moon are responsible for eye troubles. The 2nd and 12th houses from the ascendant govern our right and left eyes. Any affliction of them causes this trouble.

Red Coral and White Pearl.

Pink eye with irritation and pain. It is highly contagious. Excess of red rays and heat in the body causes it.
Sun or Mars in Taurus or Pisces cause this trouble. Moonstone in 5.44 Carats.
The fluids encased in the eyeball exert more pressure against other parts of the eye suddenly or gradually. If it is not relieved, it may make the eyeball hard, damage the retina and even destroy fibres of the optic nerve causing blindness. Women suffer more from glaucoma than men.

Sun and Moon if afflicted in the 2nd or 12th house by Saturn or Rahu.

Red Coral and White Pearl.
Near-sightedness the eyes can see near-by objects but vision at a distance is blurred. In many people, it seems to be hereditary. Sun and Moon are the two planets which give all eye troubles. Red Coral and White Pearl.
Optic Atrophy
Sight may be impaired or irrevocably lost by damage to the optic nerve due to tumour of the brain or the pituitary gland, degenerative nerve disease, drug or chemical poisoning or overdose of quinine or drinking methyl alcohol.

The 2nd and 12th house from the ascendant rule over our right and left eyes. Sun governs the right eye and Moon the left eye. Mercury governs sight. Any affliction of Sun and Moon or 2nd and 12th house by malefics cause eye trouble.

Red Coral and White Pearl. Emerald may be used as additional Gem in acute cases.
