Brain Troubles(Contd..)

Sudden disturbances of brain function, causing violent fits or convulsions and temporary loss of consciousness. It is not a hereditary disease. It is due to brain injury, diseases in other organs reacting upon the brain, emotional disturbances and alcoholic excesses.

Aries governs the brain. Mars controls the brain, Mercury, the brain nerves and Moon the mind and mental structure. Any affliction of these planets in Aries by Rahu or Saturn may give rise to this trouble.

Emerald and Moonstone. Red Coral may be used if necessary.


It is the exaggeration of personal behaviour to become queer, odd, abnormal or dangerous due to the individual's failure to resolve emotional conflicts in conscious mind and his unconscious choice of behaviour patterns that he feels will protect him. Mental illness is a reaction against and an escape from inner pain and conflict.

Distortions of memory and power of concentration frequently occur. The causes are brain damage, stress and strain, anxiety and worry etc.

Sun or the Moon in the 1, 5, 9th houses of a birth-chart afflicted by Saturn or Rahu or Moon and Rahu in the 8th or 12th House afflicted by Mars cause lunacy. Any affliction by Rahu or Saturn to the Moon or Mercury in any house or Mercury in the 6, 8,12th house afflicted by Rahu or Saturn may give rise to insanity.

Emerald, Red Coral and Moonstone.
Mental illness
Mental illness means temporary distortions of mental faculties such as memory and power of concentration. Moon, Mercury and Saturn are the three main rulers. The 3rd and 9th houses from the ascendant and Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius rule over mind and mental structure. Saturn or Rahu with the Moon or Mars afflicting Sun or Mercury in Gemini or Virgo, cause lunacy.

Emerald, Moonstone and Yellow Sapphire. Red Coral may be required in acute cases.
