Muscles and Bones Troubles(Contd..)

The types of fistula are, fistula in ano; vesico-vaginal fistula between the bladder and the vagina, sometimes due to childbirth injury; arteriovenous fistula, an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein caused by either a congenital malformation or a wound to the artery; a salivary fistula through which saliva dribbles out on the check instead of going into the mouth.

Mars is the main planet which causes this disease.

Red Coral and Moonstone.


Fractures are broken bones. Colles' fracture is a break in the lower end of the large bone of the forearm near the wrist: Bumper fracture is the break of one or both legs immediately below the knee. In some diseases, bones break spontaneously, these are called pathological fractures. Fractures of the skull, neck or spine are usually the most dangerous.

Mars and Rahu cause all sorts of fractures and accidents. When in the 3rd house, fractures they cause while travelling, in the 4th, at home; in the 5th, at pleasure parties; in the 9th and on long journeys. Surgery is essential in most cases of fracture.

Gems can help quick healing of wounds, and proper setting of bones. Red Coral, Red Cloth, Red Thread, or a Copper Ring.
It results from exposure to severe cold. Its seriousness depends on the extent of the part or parts of the body frozen, the length of time they have been exposed to the cold and the depth or intensity of cold. Blood circulation in the frozen part is always impaired. It cannot be restored and the frozen part will be damaged or even lost by dry or moist gangrene.

Saturn is the main planet which gives this trouble. It is the ruler of cold months. Its causes all sorts of cold-disorders. The patient needs red rays.

Red Cloth, Red Thread, Red Coral, or a Copper Ring.

Death of body tissue over an area large enough to be visible. When the circulation of blood to a part of the body is so damaged that the tissues do not get nourishment, the result is gangrene. Dry gangrene occurs in older people.
Saturn is the main planet which causes this trouble.

Red Coral, Red Cloth, Red Thread and a Copper Ring.


Gout or rheumatism
Gout is a form of arthritis affecting both the joints and ankles making them suddenly painful, red and tender. It is a metabolic disease in which the body fails to get rid of uric acid. The excess uric acid crystallise in various parts of the body like the ear lobes, elbows, skin about the finger nail and in the cartilage inside joints. Prevention of attacks, is by cutting down on food and weight and avoiding protein foods that foster that formulation of uric acid.

Jupiter in lagna and Saturn in the 7th house cause gout. Saturn is the main planet which causes gout. Saturn in Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces; or Saturn in 1, 5, 7, 12th house; or Mars in the 10th afflicted by Saturn or Conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in the 2nd or 3rd house produces gout.

Red Coral on Yellow Sapphire.
