
Application of too much heat or fire to the skin. Scalds are caused by hot liquids or vapours. Any extensive burns covering a large area are serious. Shock and infection accompany.

Mars causes wounds, cuts and accidents, when heavily afflicted by Saturn as also Rahu in the 1, 2, 3, 8th houses. Mars and Rahu, in the 3rd house cause burns or accidents while travelling, in the 5th house in cinema or pleasure parties, in the 4th at home, in the 9th, while on a long journey.

Wearing of Red Coral in 8.16 Carats helps quick healing. Red Cloth or a Red Thread may also be used.


Inflammation of the lips and the mouth, caused by sunburn, lipstick or chemical irritants.

Mars causes all inflammations in the body. Mars in Libra or Taurus causes this trouble.

Red Coral, Red Cloth, a Red Thread or a Copper Ring.

A childhood disease caused by a specific virus. Little raised pimples come out on the skin. Some turn into small blisters which break in a few hours, leaving a dry crust. It lasts only about a week and It is a contagious disease. One attack confers immunity. Mars is the chief planet which causes this trouble.

Red Coral, Red Cloth, a Red Thread or a Cooper Ring.

Skin inflammations, rashes and pustules arise from systematic infections, of the body, like smallpox, chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever and syphilis. Treatment of skin troubles like ringworm, eczema, boils, erysipelas, hives, itching vitiligo, and allergy require expert medical advice. Venus heavily afflicted in Aries, Libra or Capricorn by malefics. Jupiter afflicted in Capricorn causes eczema and skin troubles. Ketu in Capricorn if afflicted gives skin disorders and leprosy. White Coral in 6.34 Carats to 8.16 Carats along with Lapis Lazuli in 2.72 Carats.

Skin disease characterised by inflammation, itching and scaliness.

Jupiter in Capricorn may give rise to eczema. White Coral and Yellow Sapphire.
