Stomach Troubles(Contd..)
Cirrhosis of the Liver

Hardening of the liver and its enlargement. Liver, the largest gland in the body, weighs 3 to 4 pounds and is in the right part of the abdomen. It acts as a factory, warehouse and detoxifying station. It manufactures bile which is essential to digest food.

The 6th house, Virgo rules the liver. The lord of the 6th house is Mercury. When Mercury or Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn or Ketu in Cancer or Virgo, this trouble arises. Also Conjunction of Ketu and Saturn or Ketu and the Sun in the 5th house causes it.

Emerald and Yellow Sapphire. Moonstone in 5.44 Carats may be used as an additional Gem in acute cases.


Sore bowels, caused by the inflammation of the intestines with severe pain due to infection by a specific germ. An acute or chronic form of ulcerative colitis, produces severe diarrhoea.

This can be a recurring disease, sometimes turning fatal. Irritation of the bowel is often the result of food poisoning.

Saturn or Mars in the 6th or 12th house of the Zodiac, i.e., Virgo and Pisces. Mars in Cancer also.

Emerald and Moonstone.
Inability to have a bowel movement. It is only symptom. It causes weariness, headache, vomiting, self-poisoning etc. Saturn is responsible for all obstructions and contractions in the body. Mars removes all waste- products and cleanses. Mars also causes frequent bowel movements. Saturn in Cancer and Virgo or in the 6th house causes serious constipation.

Red Coral, Red Cloth, Red Thread or a Copper Ring.

Loose bowels or frequent bowel movements with stomachache due to overeating, food poisoning, emotional stress, absence of any physical activity, change of weather, eating stale food etc. Mars in Cancer or Virgo or malefics in Cancer or Virgo may give this trouble. The 4th and 6th house of the zodiac govern our stomach. So any affliction of them causes stomach troubles.

Emerald and Yellow Sapphire or Moonstone.
