Weight : 137.27 cts.

An exceptional Italian nine-sided golden-yellow gem,

it is noted for its unique nut shape and double rose-cut

with 126 facets. This gem belonged to the treasure of

the Grand Duke of Tuscany in 1657. With the marriage

of the Empress Mary Theresa and Francis Stephen of

Lorena, it passed into the Asburg's treasure.

The diamond disappeared with the fall of the

Austrian Empire.rsary of Amsterdam


Weight : 35.56 cts.

The blue color makes it a particular rare stone. It was

mounted on a beautiful brooch surrounded by a crown of

many other diamonds for Mary Amelia of Austria in 1722.

Years later, the famous brooch changed owner,

and wasexhibited in Europe and the USA.

In 1964 it was bought by a German collector.


Weight : 36.00 cts.

It then belonged to the Maharajah of Patiala.

This blue gem was originally cushion-cut, with

a big inclusion on one side. Later it was cut into

a perfect emerald shape by an American cutter,

resulting in the cut-stone becoming absolutely pure.

Today it belongs to an American collector.